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Ductile Iron Gratings


Vikrant, an ideal product to change the danger zone safest for everyone. We offers wide range of Manhole covers with frames, Channel gratings, Kerb Gullies, Gully Gratings, Step Irons, Tree Grates etc. Ductile Iron (GG50) material Grades and as per BS EN 124 and covers all application sectors.

Areas of Application: Pedestrians, Footways, Carparks, Kerbside Channels of roads, Carriage ways, Docks, Airports, Drainage Trench covers in ware houses etc. Various sizes available as per request.

Step Irons available in Galvanized Finish & Plastic coated Finish. Manufactured as per BS EN 1247.

Specification Table

Type Class Description Load
Type A A15 Ductile Iron / Manhole Cover 15KN
Type B B125 Ductile Iron / Manhole Cover 125KN
Type C C250 Ductile Iron / Manhole Cover 250KN
Type D D400 Ductile Iron / Manhole Cover 400KN
Type E E600 Ductile Iron / Manhole Cover 600KN
Type F F900 Ductile Iron / Manhole Cover 900KN

Tree Grating

Tree grates have been used for many years to help integrate trees into the urban hardscape. Tree grates provide space for the tree while allowing pedestrian traffic over the tree planting area. They help to suppress weeds and trash accumulation in the tree planting area.