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Stainless Steel Manhole Cover


Vikrant Engineering's Design & Manufactures the Stainless-Steel Manhole covers as per BS EN 124. As Per Standards the S.S Manhole Cover into 6 Categories from A15(light Duty) to F900(Ultra-Heavy). But Most common usage will be A15(Light Duty) to D400(Heavy Duty) as Follows:

A15 – Light Duty: (A15KN=1500Kgs)

The Light Duty S.S Manhole Cover will be Suitable for Pedestrian Load and Cyclist Load

B125 – Medium Duty: (B125KN=12500Kgs)

The Medium Duty S.S Manhole Cover will be Suitable for Slow Moving Wheel Load, Like Footway, Pedestrian and Car Parking Deck, etc.,

C250 – Heavy Duty: (C250KN=25000Kgs)

The Heavy-Duty S.S Manhole Cover will be Suitable for Fast Moving Wheel Load In-frequently, Like Heavy Vehicle movement will be lesser areas.

D400 – Heavy Duty: (D400KN=40000Kgs)

Suitable for Fast Moving Wheel Load In-frequently, Like all Heavy Vehicle movement areas.

E600 & F900 – Ultra Heavy Duty:

We will fabricate this type of Ultra Heavy-Duty S.S Manhole cover based on the Client Request.


Common Sizes 300x300 mm /450x450 mm / 600x600mm / 900x900 mm- C/O
Thickness As per Specification
Type Recessed S.S Manhole Cover / Solid Top S.S Manhole Cover
Type of Seal Single /Double
Load Type Light/ Medium/ Heavy Duty/Ultra Heavy Duty
Material Stainless Steel AISI 304/ 304 L/ 316/ 316 L Grade
Finish Mill Finish/ Brush Finish/ Mirror Finish